Enhance with Figma
Refine and customize the app’s design, functionality, and workflows.
Last updated
Refine and customize the app’s design, functionality, and workflows.
Last updated
Purpose: Refine and improve the initial prototype.
How It Works: Customize the app design, functionality, and workflows by porting your app into Figma. Edit your app with Figma's design-centric interface and use the Buzzy Figma plugin to manage your apps functionality, data model and behaviour. .
Key Features: Add more advanced logic, improve UI/UX, manage your design and optimize for user-specific needs.
Outcome: A more polished app ready for initial user testing or soft launch.
It helps to be familiar with Figma, and have an understanding of how the Buzzy plugin works via our getting started guides. If you're unfamiliar with Figma and UI design, you might want to call on an expert via the Buzzy Marketplace.
You'll need to import your AI-generated app into Figma. You can then edit and republish the app directly from Figma using the Buzzy Figma plugin.
Make sure you have a Figma account with the same email address as you've used for Buzzy.
Get the Buzzy AI Toolkit v2.2 here!
Prefer step-by-step written instructions? See the full process here.
You'll need to get familiar with how the Buzzy Figma plugin works - see the (legacy) "learning Buzzy" getting started guides here. A lot has changed but the basic principles and patterns still apply.
Buzzy AI apps are based on the Buzzy Figma toolkit, a design system built in Figma. It leverages Figma's awesome design capabilities such as reusable and customizable components, variables to control themes, flex-based autolayouts and more. It also includes additional interface components, layouts and entire screen design examples you can use to quickly add to and extend your app.
Once you're done editing, simply publish your changes to your live app, directly from Figma.
New to Figma, or don't have design skills? You have 2 options - learn Figma, or bring in an expert! If you have access to a Figma designer, they can skill up with the Buzzy plugin; otherwise you might want to get in touch with a Buzzy expert via our Buzzy Marketplace.