Buzzy AI Chat App
Instructions for implementing the Buzzy AI Chat app template.
Last updated
Instructions for implementing the Buzzy AI Chat app template.
Last updated
This guide will walk you through setting up a chatbot integration between Buzzy and Make using a Make Blueprint. Check out the video below to get an overview of the process.
To connect your Buzzy app with Make, you need to retrieve your Buzzy User ID and API Token.
Log into Buzzy Workspace.
Click on your profile in the top right corner.
Navigate to Developer.
Copy both:
Buzzy User ID
Secret API Token
Use a dedicated API user: Create a new user and assign them as an owner/author. This ensures a stable API connection as this user will never log out of Buzzy.
Token expiration warning: If you log out of this API user, the token will become invalid.
To avoid this, use Buzzy's Login API with the user’s email/password to dynamically fetch a token.
More details: Buzzy API Login Docs
To speed up development, start with the pre-built Buzzy template. If you haven't already grabbed a copy of the app:
Go to the Buzzy template of the AI Chat app.
Click "Use Template" to create a copy in your own Buzzy Workspace.
Open Make.
Create a new scenario (Make file).
Download the blueprint here: chatbot_make_blueprint.json (334Kb)
You should see your chat flow in Make:
The webhook is the connection point between Buzzy and Make.
In Make, locate the webhook module.
Click "Add a new webhook".
Copy the generated webhook URL.
You'll use this URL in Buzzy Datatable rules (next step).
The Buzzy Datatable rules will call Make when specific actions happen.
This rule creates a new chat when a row is submitted in the Chat datatable.
Navigate to Buzzy > Chat Datatable.
Go to Properties > Rules.
Add a new rule.
Configure it as follows:
Trigger: When a row is submitted.
Action Type: sendJSON
Call Type: [POST]
API Endpoint: Use the Make webhook URL from Step 4.
JSON Payload:
Security Tip
The makeBuzzyAPIToken
is a private security key to ensure that only your Buzzy app can call the webhook. Generate a long random string to use as this token.
This rule creates a message when a row is submitted in the Messages datatable.
Navigate to Buzzy > Messages Datatable.
Go to Properties > Rules.
Add a new rule.
Configure it as follows:
Trigger: When a row is submitted.
Action Type: sendJSON
Call Type: [POST]
API Endpoint: Use the Make webhook URL from Step 4.
JSON Payload:
Before launching, confirm that everything is working:
Submit a chat in Buzzy.
Check if Make receives the webhook call.
Ensure that the AI service (e.g., OpenAI, Anthropic, R1) is responding.
Submit a message and verify it appears in Make and in the chat app interface
Once the chatbot integration is working, you may want to expand its capabilities:
If you’re planning to host your own instance of Buzzy, ensure that the Buzzy API endpoint points to your custom deployment.
Consider publishing your chatbot as a mobile app on iOS and Android.
Configure permissions on Buzzy Datatables to restrict access.
Implement Make security filters to prevent unauthorized requests.
By following these steps, you now have a fully functional chatbot powered by Buzzy, Make, and an AI service. This setup is modular and expandable, allowing you to customize it to your specific needs.
If you have any questions, check out the Buzzy Docs: or reach out to the Buzzy Community on Discord.
🚀 Now, go build something amazing!
In Make create a new Scenario, it should be blank, click the Import Blueprint