Example prompts

Some prompts to try with Buzzy AI, based on the current capabilities and features of the platform.

Crafting the right prompt for the AI is essential for achieving the desired outcome in your generated app, and finding the perfect wording can be a challenging task.

Here are some example prompts that you should take inspiration from and tweak to fit your app's needs.

Initial app prompt

  • "Create a recipe review app that allows users to read recipes and leave reviews on the recipes. Recipes should have a photo, title, three rich text fields for description, ingredients and instructions, as well a fields for difficulty, serving size, total preparation time as a number, and a set of reviews. Reviews should have a rating and a comment and record the submitter and submitted time of the review."

  • "Create an event planning app that allows users to create and manage events. Events have a name, description, location, start and end date, information, an image and a set of sessions. Sessions have a name, description, location, date, start and end time, an image, and a set of speakers and attendees. Speakers, attendees and event organizers are different types of users, all of which have a name, title, photo and organization."

  • "Create a simple movie repository app that allows users to browse movies. Each movie should have a cover image, title, description, release year, director, genre, rating, duration in minutes, and image stills from the movie."

  • "Create a task tracking app for projects with multiple tasks. Each project has an image, title and description. Each task should have an image, title, description, due date, status and priority. A task only belongs to a single Project. Users should be able to add, edit and delete tasks on projects and should be able to mark them with a completed status. Projects can be marked as done when all tasks are complete."

Changing the data model

You can add or remove tables, add or remove fields, change field types, etc. all through prompts to the AI. Note that data model changes will typically require rebuilding app screens.

  • "Add a notes text field to the recipes so that people can add more context to their recipe"

  • "Remove the notes field from the recipes"

  • "Add another option to the difficulty selection field in Recipes, call it 'Novice'"

  • "Add an Admin user type"

  • "Remove reviews from recipes"

Changing the layout or functional behaviours

Using the AI editor in the workspace, you can switch to edit mode and select specific parts of your app to update or target. For instance:

  • Select a field and prompt "Make this the first field on the screen"

  • Select a form and prompt "Change this to a 3-screen wizard"

  • Select a list or card menu and prompt "Change this to use a table layout" (or vice versa)

  • Select a submit button and change the navigation behaviour, e.g. "Do not navigate to another screen after the submit", "Navigate back to the event after submitting the new session"

Changing the design

For changes to text, images and icons, switch to edit mode, select the appropriate item and enter the change you want to make, for example:

  • "Change this button to say LET'S COOK!"

  • "Change this icon to a fork and knife"

  • "Replace this with an image of a kitchen"

For changing the theme you don't need to select specific items as the theme is applied universally across the app, however it can help if you're not clear what part of the theme you are trying to modify:

  • "Create an orange and black theme for my site"

  • "Update my theme to use a light background"

  • "Swap back to the Dark theme"

  • "Give the cards square corners"

  • "Change the branded bottom bar to a grey colour."

What exactly can I prompt the AI to change in my theme?

The AI Assistant is capable of making some visual modifications to your app, including background and content colours, corner radius, padding, and spacing.

You can prompt the AI to change the appearance of the following components:

  • Nav Drawer - The popup navigation that opens when you click the menu button.

  • Top Bar - The header across the top of the screen, which has two versions the “Brand” version which appears on top level and screens and a “Default version” which is used in all the overlay screens.

  • Bottom Bar - The footer access the bottom of the screens, with the “Brand” version having the main navigation bar and appearing on top level screens and the “Default” version having screen specific actions and is used in all the overlay screens.

  • Card - For card views, besides a background and content colour, this includes a radius for setting the corner style, where 0 means square, an a very large value like 999 will make it completely round.

  • List - For list views, this is like cards except there is separate header and item colors, as well as a border colour for items. Lists also have a gap variable that can control the spacing between entries.

  • Table - Similar to cards, but with a border colour.

  • Badge - Has a radius, and various sets of colour pairings - default, inverted, brand, success and danger.

  • Input - For all input fields, background, content and border colours, in both enabled and disabled modes.

If your AI Assistant does not seem to understand your theme change request, try prefixing your request with "Update the theme with...".

Adding advanced features

  • "Add a custom code widget, called 'otherRestaurantsWidget', create a map using Open Street maps that shows all the restaurants in the restaurants data table on the map."

  • "Add a button on each recipe that adds the recipe to the users favourites. Make a new page called 'Favourites' where users can view their favourited recipes."

  • "Enable login on my app" - this will set the app privacy to "Private", which means users will need to log into your app, this can also be set manually in the Settings tab

  • "Disable login on my app" - this will set the app privacy to "Unlisted", disabling the requirement for a login to your app

See the next section for detailed examples of adding code widgets and using the AI to write the code for the widgets.

Last updated