Logging users in to your app

Buzzy supports a wide range of logging in and onboarding scenarios.

Login Action Types

Email the user a link that will log them in. Use this option to enable passwordless login to your app.

Login with email and password

Submits the credentials (email and password) for authentication. If successful, navigate to a specified screen.

Create password

Creates a new password for a user. Used when an account was created by an admin or when the user was passwordless and now upgrades to a password account.

Change password

Change the user’s password; requires the correct current password and a new password.

Email the user a link to reset their password. Your app must have a Reset Password Screen defined. To define a Reset Password Screen, go to the Settings page and enter the name of your Reset Password Screen into the corresponding field. Please note, this action requires you to define a Confirmation Screen. A Confirmation Screen is the screen that the app navigates to while waiting for the user to complete an out-of-app action (e.g. clicking a link sent on email or sms). A Confirmation Screen should let the user know that the action was performed (e.g. the email or sms was sent) and that they need to complete the action as instructed.

Create account (with email verification)

Creates an account with an email and a password, then email the user a link to verify their email address.

Invite user

Sends a user’s email an invitation link that allows them to create an account.

Reset password

After a user clicks the Reset Password Link sent on email, this action is used to change their password and log them in.

Demo login (e.g for App Store approval)

Use this for providing access to Apple or Google app store reviewers to bypass the need to receive an email.


Logs the user out of all sessions (web, mobile, and testing (for developers))

Setting up a Login and Registration Flow

A login flow typically requires at least a login screen, and a login confirmation screen if passwordless logins are being used.

If your login flow also requires registration then a user registration screen, also with a confirmation, would be required as well. Typically there would also be post registration steps for accepting a license and going through some kind of onboarding flow.

Enabling Logins

Login is controlled by Buzzy apps by the Privacy setting. If the app is set to 'Private' a login is required and the user will need to be a assigned to have access to the app. If the Privacy is set to 'Unlisted' or 'Public', no login is required.

Buzzy AI Toolkit

The Figma Buzzy AI Toolkit has examples for each of the screens that would appear in a login flow. If you use the AI app generation in the Buzzy plugin, it will setup the login flow for you, and on publishing to Buzzy, you can test this flow by enabling login on the app.

AI-Generated Apps

All AI-generated apps are ready for logins to enabled: they have login and registration screens as well as license and onboarding screens; the screens are set up in the app settings, and a group has been created for registered users to be added to. All that needs to be done to enable this is to set the app privacy setting to Private, which will typically also already be set up unless you asked for the app to be anonymous in your prompt.

Login Flow Template

Besides the login flow in the AI toolkit, there is also a more comprehensive login demo available here: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1141010375005736952/buzzy-plugin-login-demo

Last updated