

Inserts a new team into a Buzzy Organization


The X-Auth-Token and X-User-Id are derived from the values authToken and userId returned from the login endpoint and are used in the HTTP header.

          "organizationID":"<organization which to insert the team into>",
          "_id": "<optional unique identified, will be autogenerated>",
          "name": "<name of team>",
          "description":"<optional description>"
        adminID: "optional userID, that will become the admin of the team, 
        if ot supplied  will be the user making the request"      


Returns the status of the request including the ID for the new organization.


POST /api/insertteam 
X-Auth-Token:<insert token here>
X-User-Id:<insert user id here>

          "organizationID":"<organization which to insert the team into>",
          "_id": "<optional unique identified, will be autogenerated>",
          "name": "<name of team>",
          "description":"<optional description>"
        adminID: "optional userID, that will become the admin of the team, 
        if ot supplied  will be the user making the request"      

You should get back:

    "status": "success", "result":"<result of insert>"

Last updated