

Returns a row of data from a Microapp.


The X-Auth-Token and X-User-Id are derived from the values authToken and userId returned from the login endpoint and are used in the HTTP header.


POST /api/microappdata/row
X-Auth-Token: <token goes here>
X-User-Id: <userID goes here>

	"rowID":"<insert row id here>"


A JSON document with the Microapp data.


Fetching a single row from a Microapp is achieved by passing in a rowID.

POST /api/microappdata/row
X-Auth-Token: <the authtoken you got back after authentication>
X-User-Id: <the userid you got back after authentication>


linkedtable (crossapp row) field example

If the input Datatable row has a linked table (crossAppRow) field, then the target field information will be returned. The following is an example document, see the Person field

"currentRow": {
            "Info": "Test 3",
            "Person": {
                "crossAppRowID": "5ee91f0c8b83524c3dd69dc8",
                "value": {
                    "label": "Name",
                    "value": "Adam"
                "additionalValues": {
                    "b1350a79a78e27a9c0715c95": {
                        "label": "Name",
                        "value": "Adam"
            "_id": "cd34d53eddaad4aa55656bb5",
            "userID": "1d88e48c3b08b536dfe0ebdf",
            "viewers": [],
            "isLocked": false,
            "submitted": 1614573289488,
            "deviceID": null,
            "appVersion": null,
            "hasConflict": false,
            "clientCounter": null,
            "clientSubmitted": "2021-03-01 (15:34:49) +1100"

Last updated