Windows container install guide

Table of contents

Deployment architecture


  1. Windows Server 2019 with Docker installed

  2. Two MonogDB databases and oplog (mongoDB cluster in-built local database). MongoDB can be deployed in, or as an on-prem installation.

  3. Allow service ports for MongoDB, Minio and Buzzy from Windows firewall.

Install object storage app

As Buzzy main app requires two S3 compatible object storages, Minio is installed as an S3 compatible object storage application on Windows server.

Download and run Minio:

  1. Download Minio.exe

  2. Run Windows batch script below to start Minio service

rem This script starts the Minio app
      @echo off
      set MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=<Minio Access Key>
      set MINIO_SECRET_KEY=<Minio Secret Key>
      call minio server --config-dir=c:\minio\config --address=:9001 >c:\minio\config.out c:\minio\export

Test Minio service using the browser

Deploy Buzzy app

Buzzy containers are deployed using docker-compose and require YML files including Buzzy configurations for Buzzy main and Logging apps. For this deployment, we use local IP addresses with port numbers to establish connections between services internally. Running a proxy server will be ideal to expose Buzzy service externally. Follwoing steps deploy the Windows image.

  1. Pull Buzzy Windows image from Buzzy’s Docker registry into your Windows server.

  2. Create “docker-compose.yml” file using the template provided below and modify configuration values reflecting your environment settings.

YML file:

version: "3"
    container_name: buzzy_main
    image: buzzybuzz/buzzy-main-windows:latest
      - "9000:3000"
    network_mode: "nat"
      ROOT_URL: http://Buzzy Server URL
      MONGO_URL: mongodb://<username>:<password>@local IP address:27017/buzzymain
      MAIL_URL: “smtp://”
        "jwtSecret": "change-to-some-very-long-secret-string",
        "REPORT_ABUSE_EMAILS": [""],
        "AWS_BUZZY_FILES": {
        "enabled": true,
        "accessKeyId": "Minio access key id",
        "secretAccessKey": "Minio access key",
        "endpoint": "http://Minio server IP address:port",
        "BUCKET_NAME": "buzzy-files",
        "PUBLIC_BUCKET_NAME": "buzzy-files-public",
        "S3_REGION": "",
        "s3ForcePathStyle": true,
        "signatureVersion": "v4"
        "MAIL_URL": ""smtp:// ",
        "BUZZY_ADMIN_EMAIL": "someadminemail",
        "BUZZY_ADMIN_IDS": ["adminuserid"],
        "BUZZY_LOGGING_TOKEN": "somelongtoken",
        "BUZZY_ADMIN_TOKEN": "somelongtoken",
        "enabled": true,
        "accounts": [
        "email": "",
        "password": "somepassword",
        "isAdmin": true
        "public": {
        "AWS_BUZZY_FILES": {
        "enabled": true,
        "S3FileExpiry": 604800,
        "BUCKET_NAME": "buzzy-files",
        "PUBLIC_BUCKET_NAME": "buzzy-files-public",
        "s3ForcePathStyle": true,
        "URL_PATTERN": "http:// Minio Server IP address:port"
        "LOGINS": {
        "enabled": true
        "BUZZY_CUSTOM": {
        "NAME": "Orgnisation Name",
        "APP_URL_IOS": "",
        "APP_URL_ANDROID": "",
        "LOGO_MAIN": "",
        "LOGO_MAIL": "",
        "LOGO_MAIL_WIDTH": "60",
        "LOGO_MAIL_HEIGHT": "25",
        "EMAIL_FOOTER": "",
        "PROMO": "",
        "PROMO_URL": "",
        "SPLASH_IMAGE": "",
        "WELCOME_IMAGE": ""
        "BUZZY_LOGGING_SERVER": "https://Logging server URL",
        "BUZZY_VERSION": "3.0.1"

So far, you have completed following components using above steps.

  • Buzzy image pulled from Buzzy Docker repository

  • Minio application installed and running

  • docker-compose.yml file is created

Now, run docker-compose up command in Powershell or command prompt to deploy Buzzy main app.

PS C:\buzzy> docker-compose up

Check the connection to the Buzzy app (locally) using the browser URL http://localhost:9000

After deploying an ingress service as the below section, you may have to change the ROOT_URL value in the YML file to reflect your externally accessible DNS name.

Manage ingress traffic

Buzzy application running in Windows docker container can be exposed externally depending on the deployment environment. Following are possible options:

Last updated